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Over time, wildcats that were less fearful of humans would have had a survival advantage, leading to the evolution of a tamer species — the domestic cat, or Felis catus. This natural selection process led to the diverse array of domestic cat breeds we see today. The story of domestic cat breeds begins with their domestication.
Devon Rex Cats
Burmese kitties are native to the Thai-Burma borderline area and date back to the 1930s. Though, they differ in blue eye color and have white or cream color coats, with a variety of color points resulting from crossing with the Siamese cat. With a similar temperament to the Burmese cat, they are full of mischief, affectionate, and extremely inquisitive.
Cat breeds: 10 best types of cats to consider adding to your home

Thus, they’ve been dubbed as “gentle giants.” An adult male Maine Coon can weigh up to 8.2 kilograms, whereas females can reach up to 5.4 kilograms. Excellent hunters, susceptible to training, and typically quite healthy, these creatures are valued among cat owners from all over the world. They are vocal, playful, and famous for getting along with other house pets, including canines. Last but not least, they mature slower than other breeds and may not reach their maximum size before the age of 3.
Compatibility with Other Pets
Burmese cats are excellent jumpers and climbers and should have cat perches or something to climb on.
Cat Breeds: Complete List from A to Z (With Pictures)
25 Blonde Cat Breeds: Top Choices for Your Home (With Pictures) - Catster
25 Blonde Cat Breeds: Top Choices for Your Home (With Pictures).
Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 15:35:31 GMT [source]
The Turkish Angora is one of the most susceptible to training cats out there. As you might have already guessed from its name, the Serrade Petit cat a member of a feline breed, which originates from France. And as you might have also guessed, these kitties are quite petite compared to most domestic cat breeds out there. Ragdolls get their name from the fact that their hind legs go limp whenever they’re picked up. Developed in the 1960s, these kitties have large bodies, colorpoint coats, and silky fur. Furthermore, they are notable lap cats and adore all types of social interaction.
#1 Maine Coon
15 Designer Cat Breeds (With Pictures) - Catster
15 Designer Cat Breeds (With Pictures).
Posted: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 15:14:27 GMT [source]
They are a fairly independent and vocal cat, but also very sweet, sociable and versatile. This makes them a good companion for children and other animals. They are born explorers and enjoy going outside whenever they can. Like Bengal, they like to climb to high places where they can observe their surroundings. They love to play with anything and can easily get bored if they spend a lot of time alone or are not provided with the stimulation necessary to maintain well-being. They like to monitor their surroundings from above, so it is advisable to provide them with towers or cat platforms.
Singapura Cats
With such few pure-breeds actually registered, cat breeds are not classified into different groups like dogs are. To neatly organise and keep track of all these cat breeds, ‘clubs’ have been created all over the world. Obviously long-haired cats will require a lot more grooming than short-haired cats.
Scottish Folds may look like a designer breed, but their mutation is all-natural. If you haven’t heard of the Raggamuffin before, it’s from the same family as the Ragdoll. Raggamuffins are closely related to the Ragdolls and have been recognized as a separate breed since 1994. This breed is sociable and gets attached to its owner, but when it comes to strangers, it’s rather shy. They used to be bred for hunting purposes as farm cats, but since, they have also adapted to apartment living.
Today, the Isle of Man uses the Manx kitty as one of the island’s national symbols. The Cornish Rex originates from the UK and dates back to the 1950s. Its looks resemble the Devon Rex (an entirely separate breed), but its hairless mutation isn’t related to the Devon Rex. Chantilly-Tiffany cats, which are also known as Foreign Longhairs, are native to North America.
They don’t lose their playfulness from kittenhood as they grow up, and they are dog-like loyal to their owners. Burmese can’t be left home alone for too long as they don’t take well to loneliness. Moreover, they tend to vocalize and become severely dependent and attached to their pet parents.
Persians are among the most common household felines in numerous countries all over the world. Their origins lie in Persia (currently Iran) with the first recorded case of the existence of Persians dating back to the distant 17th century. This is a relatively new breed, which comes in longhair and shorthair variations. Persian and Munchkin were initially used to form the Minuet/ Napoleon breed. If you haven’t heard about it before, meet the Werewolf cat, officially known as Lykoi.
They are noteworthy for their bobtails and have spotted tabby patterns on their signature curled coat. The Desert Lynx cat has a medium-sized body and a rather unsymmetrical structure with notably longer hind legs. According to the REFR, the Desert Lynx group features Desert Lynx, Highland Lynx, Mohave Bobs, and Alpine Lynx cats.
These kitties have championship status in numerous countries all over the world. These furballs come in a wide variety of coat colors and patterns. Lastly, they produce less dandruff and Fel-d1 allergens than other cats.
They come in a variety of colors and patterns, which also occur in their Asian Shorthair counterparts. Nowadays, Aegean cats can be found throughout Greece, both in feral and domestic versions. We have also included designer and exotic breeds, as well as many mixtures.
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